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We are committed to ensuring provision for all of our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of all learners academically, physically, socially and emotionally. We ensure the appropriate level of support to cater for the needs of pupils, whatever their barriers to learning.

Mrs Amy Izycky is our Director of Inclusion and she coordinates the provision for all of our pupils, including those with SEND, across the school.

Any concerns will always be discussed with parents and carers and they will always be kept informed of their child’s progress. We are keen to involve parents at all times and parental support is vital in ensuring that each child makes as much progress as possible. For this reason, parents are always welcome to speak to class teachers and the Director of Inclusion about any concerns they may have about their child’s progress. Parents will also be consulted whenever it is felt that advice from outside agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapists, Community Paediatricians, Educational Psychologists, ADHD/ASD Team, Occupational Therapists, Visual/Hearing Impairment Team, Mental Health Support Team, School Nursing Team or Specialist Support Service, are needed for individual children.

Contact details  Amy Izycky

School Concerns 

Pupils who are making slower than average progress are identified early and are given extra support within quality first teaching of the curriculum. If it is thought appropriate, then these pupils may also follow a targeted intervention programme, either in a small group or on a one-to-one basis. Details will be documented on the whole school provision map and progress closely tracked and monitored.

SEND Support 

Pupils identified as needing support in addition to or different from the usual curriculum are recorded on the school SEND register as SEND support. These children receive targeted provision and interventions according to their needs, which are closely monitored through the Graduated Approach. These pupils have a Personal Growth Plan (PGP) with targets focused around their specific needs.  These targets are reviewed three times a year and parents and pupils are invited to each review. Pupil voice is also gathered through One-Page Profiles.

A very small number of pupils on the SEND register may require additional Early Help Locality Funding to ensure their underlying SEND is being addressed, for which an application needs to be made to the Local Authority, evidencing that over £6,000 is being spent annually on the pupil.

Education, Health and Care Plans

On very rare occasions, where a pupil has a significant, severe and sustained need, it may be necessary to enter a multi-disciplinary assessment process with health and social care in order to consider the need for an Education Health and Care Plan.

The Inclusion and Provision team

We have a team of experienced teaching assistants who support the school, our learners and their families in different ways. Teaching assistants support in class, on a 1:1 basis or within small groups. They are a valued and hugely beneficial part of our school and a key part to ensuring that our learners make good social, emotional and academic progress.

The Allotment

The Allotment is a themed room, which builds upon the idea of growth. It is designed to be used by all groups of children, irrespective of their ability, to help accelerate progress and ultimately improve attainment, through targeted interventions, including:

Read Write Inc – an inclusive literacy programme to help accelerate children’s reading using phonics.

Number Sense/Numberstacks – a multi-sensory approach to teaching maths, designed to help children understand connections between numbers.

Speech and Language – delivered by a teaching assistant who has had comprehensive training from a speech and language therapist to assess and deliver speech and language interventions as required.

Precision Teaching – a highly effective way of filling any gaps in basic skills such as common exception words or times tables. Pupils are taken out 1:1 for 10 minutes every day to work on a particular basic skill, and rapid progress is seen.

The Den

The Den is our sensory room where we base our pastoral support. Interventions carried out include:

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant  – Support pupils with social skills and emotional regulation.

Protective Behaviours – a safety awareness and resilience building programme which helps children to recognise any situation where they feel worried or unsafe, and explores practical ways to keep safe.

Drawing and Talking – a method of working with children to help with underlying emotional difficulties that may be affecting their learning and behaviour through drawing.

We also deliver  Lego based therapy and have a Pets as Therapy reading dog visit the school on a weekly basis. 


Useful links for parents

To see what support is available to you locally, have a look at North Northamptonshire’s local offer: Local Offer - Local Offer - North Northamptonshire

Our local special educational needs and disabilities information advice and support services (SENDIASS) organisation is: Contact number 0300 373 2532

SEND Support Service offers advice and support: SEND Support Service | North Northamptonshire Council (

Educational Psychology Service: Educational Psychology Service - support for families | North Northamptonshire Council (

Educational and Inclusion Partnership Team: Attendance, behaviour and home schooling | North Northamptonshire Council (

For more detailed information on Inclusion, please refer to the Inclusion Policy and SEND Information Report in the policies section of our website.