Head boy & girl
At SEJ, we believe that the role of Head Boy and Head Girl is an important responsibility that highlights how crucial the Pupil Voice is to us. Once in Year Six, a boy and a girl will have an opportunity to undertake this role. The purpose of this role is to act as a link between staff and children.
The Head Boy and Girl take on the responsibility of sharing ideas, setting the standard and communicating with both adults and children effectively. These children are easy to identify due to the bespoke blazers that they will wear whilst carrying out their roles.
At South End Junior, we strive to ensure that children have a voice. Every opinion matters at our school, and it is with this in mind that the South End Ambassador system was built. All children have the opportunity to pick up an application form and apply for one of the many Ambassador Vacancies that we currently have. Children are then invited to interview and the lucky candidates carry out their job when required and are even paid for it in house points!
We currently have many Ambassador roles to choose from:
- Avenue Ambassadors
- Celebration Ambassadors
- Rights Ambassadors
- Digital Ambassadors
- Sports Ambassadors
- Lunchtime Ambassadors
Once employed, Ambassadors are given their own lanyard and I.D card, much like the staff, to make them easily identifiable and to also emphasise the responsibility that they have given. The children wear these with pride!