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We, at South End Junior School, firmly believe in keeping parents up-to-date with the ‘goings on’ in and around the school. Below are the usual methods of communication that we use to keep everyone informed. If you ever feel you don’t know enough about what’s going on, please do just as us!


We subscribe to a service known as PMX, which enables us to send publications and letters to you via email. This method of communication saves our carbon footprint by not wasting paper, and the message is more likely to reach you when not lost in a school bag! You will receive an email or SMS from us to get you started. Please remember to check your emails regularly when you’ve signed up for this service so you do not miss important information

South End Echo

The Echo is our termly newsletter to all parents letting you know what has been happening within the school, the pupils who have achieved special SEJ awards, updates from our Junior Leadership Team, dates to save and general information and reminders.

Head’s Update

The Head’s Update is a follow-on from the Echo and will be issued when we need to let parents know anything additional in the immediate future – before the next Echo is released

Parents’ evenings

We usually hold parents’ evenings twice in every academic year; parents can make a 10-minute appointment to speak with their child’s teacher to discuss wellbeing, progress and next steps in learning.

Notes and letters sent home

The office staff and teachers will sometimes send notes home to parents if they cannot be sent by PMX, such as receipts for music payments and information that requires a return slip.

Phone calls

Our teachers will happily call a parent to inform them of outstanding achievements and also discuss any matters of concern. The office keeps all telephone numbers in the strictest confidence and numbers are only used by South End Junior School staff. These phone numbers are used as a priority should we need to contact parents reporting a child’s illness or accident.

Text Messages

We may send urgent messages home via text message, such as to let you know that your child’s club has been cancelled after school or that your child has had a head bump. Please remember to update the school promptly with any changes to your contact details.

South End Twitter

Twitter is a great way of giving you bits of general information and sharing some of the awesome learning that is happening in school.   Follow us, our Twitter address is SouthEndJrSch.


Our website contains heaps of information about our fabulous school. It is also a great place to get information that you may have missed – for example, copies of the Echo are uploaded to the site. The address is:


In the welcome booklet (given at the start of the school year and on the year group pages of our website) from your child’s new year group, you will have been given the email addresses of teachers and year leaders. If you are unable to catch the teacher after school to share information, please do feel free to use this option.

Curriculum updates

As each year group begins their curriculum projects throughout the year, we will send you an overview of the learning that is planned for the project alongside a knowledge organiser that outlines what the children should know by the end of each project. We send these via PMX but they can also be found in the Learning Zone area of our website under each year group section.